Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012


"You still like him. Stop lying to yourself".:''') EHEM nyepet-_-tapi emang fakta.
"I have so much to say,I dare not start":" 
" Sometimes, we forget who we really are."
"I care about your feelings more than mine :""
" Hello's are the easiest, goodbye's are the hardest"
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. if it's not, you will find a excuse"
" I find happiness in the simplest of things"
" Because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing"
" You don't know how many times i've wished that i could hold you"
"You've got a smile that could light up this whole town☺"
 "I seriously can't stop thinking about you" *....................*
" Happiness is expensive"
"Just let you go."
"You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."
" Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication"
" Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter"
" I've never imagined my life would turn out this way"
" I just need a break for life"
" You never cared about me"
" When you're happy, you enjoy the music but when you're sad, you understand the lyrics.-Frank Ocean"
" It's true what they say, if you love someone you should set them free"
" I will always care for you, even if we're not together and even if we're far, far away from each other"
" Here, Let me take some of that pain. You should not bear it on your own"
" Do you know how much i have to face myself"
" I've been hiding all the truth inside my heart" :"""((((
" I don't know how much longer that i have to put up with everything"
" Hope you will realize someday that this person loves you"
" Any way, some day, you will know☺"
" I don't know how much longer that I have to put up with you.I've been hiding everythings in my heart"
" All i want is you everyday no one else nothing else just you"
" Some nights you just feel worthless"
" I always wonder what's going on in the rest of the world during the books"
" The one i want is you and i can't stay away from it"
" Don't let a bad day feel like you have a bad life"
" I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell,because i really fell for you"
" No expectation,no disappointments"
" Where the is love there is life"
" If you leave without reason,don't come back with an excuse"
" You exist but do you live"
" I don't like arguing why can't we are just get along instead of fighting and arguing?"
" If you do not know the same pain,you can never truly understand another person"
" Girl know how to fake smiles and guys know how to fake feelings"
" Pain makes people change"
" We're all stories in the end"
" You were born because you are going to be important to someone"
" I get out of my own way, let you have your way"
" When I am weak it's you that makes me strong"
"You Don't have to look like everyone else looks."

"The more you care, the more you have to lose." :''')

"Some things are better left unknown in life.":""""")


 “Someone like you would never understand. Is it so wrong to feel the pain of losing someone.
YuJin, Winter Sonata:""""")

” He is like my inspiration. He is like the power that supports me to be better and better”
-Nam (crazy little thing called love)

"I'm fine, I'm just not happy. " :""""

Masih Banyak lagi quotesnya maaf gabisa upload banyak banyak,nanti lagi yaaa,sampe jumpa di artikel berikutnyaaa;;)

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Menara Eiffel♥

Menara ini yang dibangun selama 3 tahun ini.......................menara yang palingpaling udah AAAAAA aku pengen banget ke paris terus ke menara eiffelnya itu karena menara eiffelnya itu paling<///////3 pengennya itu ke sini sama someone *..............................*LUPAKAN! pengennya kayak gini lho........~

 cie ehemehemehem envyyyyy pengen banget kayak gini*udahgausahcurhat* nih ada lagi selain itu:


 yang ini itu bagian atas dari menara eiffel *saatnya aku harus bilang wow* 

Ini juga bagian bawah *harus bilang wow ini mah wkwkwkwkwk*

ini lift menara eiffel lhooo
tenyata di area pintu masuk menara eiffel ada yang kayak ginian lhoo:O

 Restoran  yang berada dibagian platform Menara Eiffel. kalo disini paling romantis berduaan sama someone lhooo:""" pengen da pengen banget sama........................................LUPAKAN!. sumber dari: @BelajarPerancis

Nih loket buat beli tiket naik ke menara eiffel lhooo bisa naik anak tangga atau ga lift buat ke puncak menara eiffel:""""". sumber @BelajarPerancis

Foto pemandangan paris dari atas Menara Eiffel *ada yang sumbernya dari @BelajarPerancis*

KEREN KANNNNN?!?!?! *gakalemsakingterobsesisamaparisdanmenaraeiffel* yaudah nih satu lagi pemandangan kota paris:

Nih selain menara eiffel ada lagi ada yang namanya ARC DE TRIOPHE nih gambarnya:

Ini ada gambar ard de triophie pada tahun 1987

sebenarnya gambar arc de triophie masih banyak mulai dari dalamnya,terus gambar pahatannya tapi maaf ya gabisa diupload banyak soalnya males h3h3h3.__.v :D

udah dulu yaa sebenarnya masih banyak lagi maaf kalo ga lengkap hehehe sekarang beralih ke PROSES PEMBANGUNAN MENARA EIFFEL HAHAHA*devillaugh*-_-v

nah berikut adalah proses pembangunan menara eiffel yang selama 3 tahun:


Nih gambar yang secara animasi (gif)
Nah itu pembangunan yang di mulai tahun 1887-1889 hihihihi

Sampe sini dulu yaaaaa dadah:-* <3 <3 <3